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Research Projects

X-Ray Binaries Research

I'm a PhD student currently researching on X-Ray binaries within the group of Dr. Alexandra Tetarenko at the University of Lethbridge. I will be conducting a thesis on the effect of XRB jet environments on the ISM to get more insight on their basic mechanisms.


Get more info about Dr. Tetarenko's work and group here.


Exoplanets Study

During my years at Observatory Astronòmic Albanyà I got to work on exoplanets while collaborating with the TFOP-SG1 group from the TESS mission. 


My data was used for several publications on renowned journals.


SMBHs Formation and Evolution

During my undergrad and MSc, I had the chance of working with data from the group led by Dr. Eduard Salvador-Solé to conduct research about SMBH formation and evolution.


The group uses an amazingly complete galaxy formation and evolution analytic model (AMIGA) with very few free parameters that has been thoroughly adjusted throughout the years, making solid and reliable predictions.


We made a prediction to potentially probe the SMBH seeds using the SMBH merger history and their GW data.

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